As a preparation for the Olympic Games of Paris 2024, the IAEJ arranged a member meeting at CHIO Aachen on the 3rd of July – very fitting as the USA is this year’s partner land and celebrated accordingly on the 4th of July.
Thanks to our gracious host – press manager Tobias Königs for CHIO Aachen – we were able to make use of the existing facilities with screen, sound system, and microphones with the help of Lukas Kleinen and Maxine from the press staff. Tobias Königs welcomed the IAEJ and the members to the show and had already a few improvements underway such as important details for photographers, a platform at Deutche Bank stadium.

We had a group of members present on site as well as a number online via Zoom joining in and listening as well as distributing the recording of the meeting to yet another group of members.

Our main speaker, graciously taking time out of a tight and busy schedule leading up to the games, was Amy Powell. She holds the role as VMM, venue media manager for the equestrian site at Versailles within the POCOG organization. Many might recognize her from the Olympics in Tokyo 2021 where she fulfilled the role of assisting VMM. She has a photo manager appointed, Arnaud Letresor, who also participated in the meeting.
Amy Powell presented our very first glimpse of the operations at the equestrian venue and shared many plans and maps with us on the topic of the arena, the surroundings, transportation, and of course a number of questions. The information given was extremely useful for all with plans for Paris.
To get all of the full and detailed presentation you may request a link to a video from the meeting, email kim @ witnet . se for access. If you want to see an abbreviated version of the presentation given, have a look at this pdf IAEJ Questions.
If you are a member going to the Paris Olympics or Paralympics this summer be sure to be on the lookout for our upcoming WhatsApp-group for the event.
For questions about your accreditations – go to your national Olympic committee and inquire.
For next year we are in the process of having a similar meeting on the topic of the world championships hosted by CHIO Aachen in 2026.
For fast information on things regarding IAEJ – get into our Facebook group, a closed group for members only, a safe place.
See you all somewhere – next stop Paris.
your board present at CHIO Aachen
Jan Tönjes, Kim C Lundin, Arnd Bronkhorst, Jon Stroud