Minutes of Annual Meeting – October 3, 2010


2006-2010 Bureau:

Xavier Libbrecht (FRA) President

Pamela Young (GBR) Vice-President

Chris Stafford (USA) Vice-President

Jennifer Anstey (CAN) Secretary & Treasurer

Kit Houghton (GBR) Photographers Representative

Gabrielle Pochhammer (GER)

Julie Wilson (AUS)

Plus 43 members

Lulu Kyriacou (GBR) and Caterina Vagnozzi (ITA) volunteered as voting scrutineers.

Incorporation of Public Relations Personnel into Membership

After some discussion on the role and place of public relations personnel in the organization and confusion over tiered membership it was decided to hold over the issue until criteria, levels and categories had been defined.

Ken Braddick (USA) made the point that the IAEJ should be very careful of the people that would be excluded citing that many members frequently cover horse shows in U.S. but rarely attend international shows.

ACTION: Associate membership – postponed by a 2/3rds majority pending further definition

IAEJ Bureau Membership Roster

Reconstruction from 9-7 members approved by a clear majority.

Extension of IAEJ Membership Criteria

To incorporate ‘regular coverage of equestrian sport beyond competition reporting’:  24/2 majority in favor.

FEI Associate Membership

Many members took part in the discussion. Overwhelming majority against any formal affiliation but in favor of re-establishing Media Advisory panel. Perhaps this would be a good way of involving ourselves from outset for all championship fixtures.

Alban Poudret (FRA)  noted: Independence is our major strength and must be preserved at all cost. He didn’t feel we had to be a part of the FEI to enjoy a good collaboration (which we have) with the FEI and IOC.

Julia Rau (GER) noted: the FEI should be providing the IAEJ with the benefits of associate membership regardless

Only one member from NZL voted in favor of FEI Associate Membership.

OUTCOME: FEI Associate membership opposed by 2/3rds majority

ACTION: propose to FEI but before we do that outline exactly what functions this panel would perform and who it would involve.

WEG 2010 Review

    * Results service totally unsatisfactory having to wait so long for results. Up to an hour. Live results not linked in to TV screens along with competition coverage, which is the answer.

    * Too few press releases on news and information. Daily alerts were delayed.

    * Format for results eventing, time penalties was totally confusing

    * Results, format, production is FEI and Organisers’ responsibility.

    * Poor website information

    * Food expensive and sometimes stale, restaurant not open as posted and closed when media working late

    * Internet spotty in media stands

    * Excessive number of amateur photographers

    * Media shuttles great except on the middle Saturday

    * Media hotel too far from venue: 40-45 min to the venue not good but not dissimilar to other WEGs. The same option is being discussed for WEG 2014 in Normandy. 

    * Nancy Jaffer (USA) suggested that IAEJ did site visits in future and strike our own deals/discounts with hotels

    * Opening and closing of main press center annoyed some people

    * Accreditation not at main venue annoyed everyone

    * Internet connections at hotels varied: that combined with early press center closings and 40 min ride to hotel made life very difficult for some.

    * Media attendance not as expected – a large number that were accredited did not attend

Ken Braddick (USA) complained that the IAEJ didn’t do anything about all the media problems at this event. It was pointed out that it was the IAEJ intervention, which saw hotel prices halved from what was proposed last summer at Windsor. He was also critical of the IAEJ for not making information available in the lead up to WEG. This was refuted as members were directed to the IAEJ website. It was also pointed out that it is members’ individual responsibility to equip themselves with this information.

Chris Stafford (USA) responded by explaining that she had formed and chaired a WEG Media Committee at the request of the WEG OC in 2007 but that following a change of CEO this had been disbanded.  Also, the IAEJ, FEI and WEG OC held conference calls during 2010 to discuss the IAEJ concerns and while points were raised, these were dismissed by the OC for logistical reasons, e.g. hotels and prices, accreditation venue, shuttles and parking.

Other Business

    * During the voting process and in addition to the hand out provided to members on London 2012 Olympic Games, Pamela Young (GBR) explained the details.

    * Chris Stafford encouraged members to utilize the IAEJ Facebook Fan Page and Twitter account to communicate.

    * Jennifer Anstey (CAN) reminded members that there is an open forum on the website for members to comment and share resources.

    * Chris Stafford noted that Media Guidelines were written for WEG 2010 before the Media Committee was disbanded and these templates could be reused.

    * The Bureau to consider including an RSS Feed

    * Alltech A+ Media Award – Phase 2 – July 1 – December 31, 2010 to be promoted to the membership

    * Chris Stafford to meet with Alltech to discuss their offer of a new annual media award in three categories for a three year term.

    * Pamela Young to discuss with the FEI creating IAEJ media advisors or representatives for the FEI.

    * Mark Weintein (BEL) proposed that the FEI should be giving members a free subscription to FEI TV.

2010 – 2014 Bureau:

Pamela Young (GBR) President

Chris Stafford USA) Vice-President & Secretary

Xavier Libbrecht (FRA) Vice-President

Jennifer Anstey (CAN) Treasurer

Anthony Trollope (CAN) Photographers Representative

Kim Kreling (GER)

Claartje van Andel (NED)