Withdrawal of Swiss Dressage Team from Olympic Equestrian Events in Hong Kong

In response to media enquiries for Club comments on the withdrawal of the Swiss dressage team from this year’s Olympic Equestrian Events, a Hong Kong Jockey Club spokesperson has the following response:

In consultation with the International Equestrian Federation (FEI) and internationally renowned experts, The Jockey Club took the Hong Kong climate into consideration when constructing the venues and has also taken a large number of other measures to minimise the effects of heat and humidity on the horses. These measures include the provision of air-conditioning from the moment the horses land, with the horses being transported in the Club’s air-conditioned lorries; air-conditioned Olympic stabling complex; the first-ever Olympic air-conditioned indoor training arena; four misting tents at both the core venue and at the cross-country venue; troughs of chilled water and an ample supply of ice at each misting tent and at each holding point on the cross-country course; chilled water sprays and mobile cooling units at both the core venue and on the cross-country course.

In addition there is a purpose-built Veterinary Clinic at the core venue adjacent to the stables compound, which will be staffed with a team of veterinary surgeons with considerable experience at Olympic level, including the 1996 Atlanta Olympics, where similar weather conditions prevailed.
The Good Luck Beijing HKSAR 10th Anniversary Cup test event in August 2007 attracted competitors from eight visiting nations Ã?¢ââ??‰â?¬Å? Germany, Netherlands, USA, Britain, Australia, France, Sweden and Ireland.

For further information, please contact:
Grania Willis
Public Affairs Consultant
T: 2966-5858
M: 6792-6147

Claire Lau
Public Affairs Manager (Equestrian Events)
T: 2966-7402
Pager: 7315-3059

Please also refer to the press release from the Equestrian Company, which is the organiser of the equestrian competitions at the 2008 Olympics, and to www.eurodressage.com for further background information.