National Delegates

In the past few years the system adopted by the IAEJ of appointing National Delegates for most countries has been very useful in order to monitor and improve press services in different countries. Through the IAEJ National Delegates we have had the opportunity to work with the organising committees of major events. In many cases, thanks to the attention paid by our National Delegates, press facilities at shows and events have improved.

Given the progress made by the IAEJ, we feel that the IAEJ National Delegates should oversee press facilities provided at main shows in their respective countries. As a general rule, we need to pay extra attention to all official international events (CSIOs, CCIOs, CDIOs, CAIO’s, CSI-W, etc.), but this does not mean that we have to ignore some of the other international events (CSI-A; CCI**; CIC; etc.), as sometimes at the smaller shows and events it is difficult even to get a copy of the results!

We would like to ask the IAEJ National Delegates to send us reports from all the events where facilities and services were sub-standard. As a professional organisation, it is very important that we are effective in improving press services by working with the FEI and Organisers.

The 2007 list of IAEJ National Delegates is printed below. Please can all those listed ensure they confirm their availability to be an IAEJ National Delegate by sending an e-mail to IAEJ Bureau Member, Lucia Montanarella ( It will take only a moment to send confirmation and is important for future cooperation and planning. Members who are no longer interested in acting as IAEJ National Delegates are also asked to send an e-mail.

  • AUSTRALIA – Julie Wilson
  • AUSTRIA – Renate Schmid
  • BELGIUM / LUXEMBOURG – Dirk Caremans
  • CANADA – Jennifer Ward (new)
  • EASTERN EUROPE – Milena Dragisic
  • FRANCE – Christelle Iraola
  • GERMANY – Gabriele Pochammer
  • GREAT BRITAIN – Gillian Newsum
  • HOLLAND – Jacob Melissen
  • IRELAND – Grania Willis
  • ITALY – Lucia Montanarella
  • JAPAN – Tokiko Okubo
  • MEXICO – Eduardo Tame
  • NEW ZEALAND – Joan Gilchrist
  • PORTUGAL – Maria Margarida Ferreira Neves
  • SCANDINAVIA – Tessie Sjostedt
  • SPAIN – Luis Poncela
  • SWITZERLAND – Alban Poudret & Georges Zehnder (for CSI-W Geneva)
  • UNITED STATES – Nancy Jaffer (East) & Chris Stafford (new)

IAEJ Delegates for Major Events

  • 19-22 April – FEI World Cup Finals Dressage/Jumping – Las Vegas (USA)
    IAEJ Del: Nancy Jaffer & Charles Mann
  • 14-29 July – Pam American Games – Rio de Janeiro (BRA)
    IAEJ Del: Chris Stafford & Jennifer Anstey
  • 15-19 August – European Jumping Champs – Mannheim (GER)
    IAEJ Del: Gabriele Mohrmann-Pochhammer
  • 25 Aug. – 5 Sept – European Dressage Champs. – Torino (ITA)
    IAEJ Del: Lucia Montanarella (to June 07), Xavier Libbrecht
  • 7-8 Sept. – Open European Endurance Champs. – Barroca d’Alva (POR)
    IAEJ Del: Maria Margarida Ferreira Neves (POR)
  • 13-16 Sept. – European Eventing Champs. – Pratoni del Vivaro (ITA)
    IAEJ Del: Lucia Montanarella (to June 07), Xavier Libbrecht