Dear members, a word from your Prez

Dear members,

It’s been quite a while since we last sent out a newsletter. Apologies for this, it’s been quite a busy time the past months.

Not sending you newsletters however doesn’t mean that we’ve been idle. Different members of the board have had fruitful discussions with the FEI communication department. Topics discussed were among others the use of video from FEI competitions and our idea to create something like a universal accreditation form.

And Jennifer Anstey did a great job when securing Clipmyhorse subscriptions free of charge for IAEJ members. Thanks a million for the deal, Jennifer! So please make sure that you have paid your dues for 2024.

Our board member Kim Lundin traveled to Lausanne for the FEI Sports Forum. A very good idea to fly the IAEJ flag among the stakeholders of the equestrian sport. Especially in these times when SLO discussions are ongoing worldwide, although to a different extent, seriously influencing the way the sport will look in 5, 10, or 20 years. Thanks, Kim, great job! For those of you, that are interested in Kim‘s summary as articles, they can be found here on our web site.

Apparently, the most important event of the year is the Olympic Games in Paris. Prior to this, we would like to hold a member meeting and I am happy to announce that the organizing committee of the CHIO Aachen, host of the world championships in 2026, is happy to support us.

The meeting will be held during the CHIO Aachen on Wednesday 3rd July in the Aachen press room at 10.30 a.m. CET. We will offer the opportunity to join by Zoom. Afterwards, we will provide a recording of the meeting to members.

We are lucky that a member of the Olympic venue team at Versailles will be joining us via video call so that we can get first-hand information about the press facilities in Versailles and pose some questions, please send questions to us ahead of the meeting so we can make it more efficient.

CHIO Aachen representatives will be present too and will be happy to give us some brief ideas of what to expect at the 2026 games. They also kindly invited us for some food and drinks.

I know that for all of you in the Americas – the time of the meeting is quite early, but the recording will be helpful, I think. Or the good old alarm clock…

We will post an event in our Facebook group, if you want to participate in the live meeting, please respond. Invitations for the Zoom call will be sent out the week before Aachen.

Hope to see you there!

Best regards,

