2019 Silver Camera Award

Aachen, Germany. April 30, 2019 — The entry deadline for this year’s Silver Camera Award is May 15, 2019. The prize for best international equestrian sport photo, conferred by the organisers of CHIO Aachen, will be presented during the World Equestrian Festival, July 12-21, 2019.
Entries must be of photos taken between May 9, 2018 and May 14, 2019. In addition to receiving the ‘Silver Camera’, the winner is awarded 2,500 Euros. The runners-up receive cash prizes of 1,000 Euros and 500 Euros, respectively. All terms of participation as well as the link for submitting applications can be found here.

Photos can also be submitted by post to Aachen-Laurensberger Rennverein e.V.
‘Silver Camera’, Albert-Servais-Allee 50, 52070 Aachen. Or by email to: